Brian Thomas, a tenant and member of the Merthyr Tydfil Biodiversity Partnership, chats to us about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.

In anticipation of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch which took place on January 26th - 28th, we had the pleasure of speaking with a long-standing tenant, Brian Thomas. Brian's love for nature and all things wildlife began at the age of eight when he signed up to what was called the RSBP’s Young Ornithologists Club (now known as the Wildlife Explorers), thanks to his brother Geoff. Although he is passionate about all creatures, birds hold a special place in his heart. "In a world where so much is going wrong," he says, "seeing a little robin or another bird singing away just picks me up and puts a real smile on my face." As he has done for many years, Brian will be taking to his garden and Cyfarthfa park on the big birdwatch weekend and recording all the birds he sees within an hour period.

The RSPB Garden Birdwatch has been collecting data since 1979 and has become the largest citizen science project worldwide. It provides a valuable snapshot into the status of UK birdlife. Unfortunately, it's no surprise that fewer wild birds are visiting UK gardens, with greenfinches, starlings, and sparrows seeing the most significant decline. Brian confirms this, saying, "As a kid growing up in Gurnos, we would see hundreds of birds, especially Starlings and Sparrows. Now, we're lucky to see a dozen in the area, which is very sad."

Brian's love for nature and his local area is evident in his involvement with the Merthyr Tydfil Biodiversity Partnership. He's working with them to make his community greener, more wildlife-friendly, and promote the health benefits of green space. "A walk in the countryside, seeing the birds and flowers looking at nature, is one of the best things you can do for your health," he says, and we couldn't agree more. Our staff here at Merthyr Valleys Homes have been enthused by Brian’s passion and hope to work alongside Brian and Merthyr Biodiversity Partnership and support his plans for conservation in the area. We would love other like-minded members of the community to come and join us. If you're interested in the project, please contact our Tenant Engagement Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 0800 0845 7843.

You can find out more about Merthyr Tydfil Biodiversity Partnership by visiting their Facebook page here –